American Natural Gas Coming to Europe
While a dozen European countries are currently beholden to Russian supplies of natural gas, help may soon be on the way in the form of American-produced gas. President Trump is set to meet with leaders from those countries in Warsaw tomorrow at the “Three Seas” summit, named because its members are near to the Adriatic, Baltic and Black Seas.
The President will tell the group that America wants to help its allies by expanding the exportation of natural gas. By improving American infrastructure and making it easier for companies to ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) to central and eastern Europe, we would both boost our economy, benefit our national security, and assist key allies throughout Europe in the process.
Expanding American markets for natural gas benefits our domestic economy as well as improves our position in the energy world. It’s another step on the path to energy dominance, moving us even closer to becoming net exporters of energy for the first time in half a century. To do so, however, we need to continue investing in our infrastructure, constructing pipelines to better transport our natural resources.
The more we are able to bring our natural gas to countries kept under Russia’s thumb, the greater freedom they will feel and the larger our economy will grow. With President Trump’s promise to European nations, we can see the foundations of America’s role as an international energy superpower. In expanding our nation’s infrastructure, we boost economies and bolster national security, two outcomes which the GAIN coalition strongly supports.