GAIN featured in NPR story on protecting critical infrastructure
NPR published an article this morning on recently enacted legislation in Louisiana that seeks to protect critical energy infrastructure, like Bayou Bridge Pipeline which is projected to be complete before the end of the year. A number of protesters have been arrested since the state began implementing the law on August 1. Several other states have also taken or considered legislative action to protect their critical infrastructure, including Oklahoma, Iowa, and Pennsylvania.
GAIN spokesman Craig Stevens was featured in the article, as he contends legislation like Louisiana’s will help ensure pipelines are not delayed, and will help keep both workers and protesters safe. Stevens emphasized this point, stating:
It wasn’t too long ago when there were, I think, four protesters that broke through and tried to penetrate, and actually did pierce a pipeline up in the Midwest. And they used blowtorches. I mean that’s the type of thing could actually explode and kill somebody.
These new laws are critical to keeping our pipeline workers safe, and play an important role in ensuring continued investment in our nation’s critical infrastructure.