Energy Infrastructure Key to Accessible, Affordable Energy
West Virginia’s State Journal recently reported on the important role pipelines play in the “big picture” of the state’s energy industry. Anne Blankenship, executive director of the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association emphasizes the benefits of infrastructure, including moving product to market safely, enhancing downstream industries, and making West Virginia more economically stable. The State Journal writes:
“This is truly an exciting time for this state and region, as much needed pipelines are being built so that the oil and gas we are sitting on can be developed,” said Blankenship. Noting that environmental activists are fighting pipeline projects in West Virginia and elsewhere, she labeled fears about pipelines “simply unfounded and based on untruths. Pipelines have been transporting hydrocarbons all over the world for nearly 100 years. … Pipelines are the safest and most economical means of transportation for liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons.
A number of pipelines are currently under construction or recently completed in the state, including the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Mountain Valley Pipeline, and Rover Pipeline. The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is slated to transport 2.0 billion feet of gas per day, creating 17,250 construction jobs and 2,200 operational jobs throughout the three states it spans. Rover Pipeline recently received the green light from federal energy authorities to become fully operational, carrying gas from West Virginia to Ohio and Canada. These projects are thoroughly reviewed before being granted the necessary permits, and carefully constructed over a multi-month, and sometimes multi-year, time period.
The points highlighted in the article are not only applicable to the state of West Virginia, but rather, the whole country. An extensive, modern network of energy infrastructure will ensure reliable energy delivery to consumers across the country, and promote grid resiliency. In addition, infrastructure projects promote job growth and bring significant tax revenue to municipalities and states along the route. GAIN looks forward to the safe completion of the pipeline projects currently underway in West Virginia, and the critical role they will soon play in fueling our country’s energy needs.