New school built with Rover Pipeline funding
The 713-mile Rover Pipeline has been safely transporting natural gas for nearly two years and has generated over $1 billion in economic activity for the surrounding region. An estimated $147 million will be paid in local taxes along the route during the first year of operation and another $91 million will be directed to over 36 local school districts in Ohio.
Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools are taking advantage of this funding opportunity for the next school year. A recent article in the Times Reporter announced plans for a construction project that will be paid for in part by tax revenue from the Rover Pipeline. The school system plans to build a new facility for pre-kindergarten through twelfth graders near the existing Hillsdale High School.
Superintendent Steve Dickerson estimates the project will cost about $42 million but with the revenue boost from the pipeline, that amount can be paid of quickly without raising taxes.
Through funds generated by the pipeline, Ohioans will continue to see investments in infrastructure, education, and more. This mutually beneficial relationship between the Rover Pipeline and surrounding communities should be an inspiration to other localities near pipeline infrastructure. Not only is Rover generating tax dollars, but the pipeline itself will safely transport natural gas that can ultimately provide affordable heat and electricity for Ohio’s schools and communities.