National Experts Join Midland Panel Discussion on Permian Energy & Infrastructure Growth
MIDLAND, TEXAS (February 20, 2020) — National energy and infrastructure experts from the Grow America’s Infrastructure Now (GAIN) Coalition joined with stakeholders, community members, and elected officials to participate in a panel discussion this afternoon to highlight the Permian Basin’s driving role in the American energy resurgence. The panel featured GAIN Strategic Advisor and retired Major General James “Spider” Marks, GAIN Spokesman Craig Stevens, and geologist and oilfield services expert Bill Godsey.
The panel was held against the backdrop of recently released data by the International Energy Agency (IEA) finding the United States recorded the largest C02 emissions decline of any country, leading global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to flatten in 2019 – despite widespread expectations of an increase. IEA reports this resulted mainly from a sharp decline in emissions from the power sector in advanced economies like the U.S. as the transition from coal-fired to natural gas continues to play a key role in reducing emissions.
“When thinking about the impacts to economic prosperity, job growth, national security, and now carbon reduction, U.S. development of natural gas and oil is not the problem, it’s the answer,” said GAIN spokesman Craig Stevens. “Texas has a long and continuing legacy as the premier contributor to our nation’s energy development. The state’s thriving natural gas and oil industry meets our nation’s growing energy needs while also creating new economic opportunities, high-skilled jobs, state and local tax revenue, and community investment. To fully capitalize on the American energy opportunity, regulators and elected officials from Austin to Washington, D.C., must foster an environment conducive to energy and infrastructure development.”
“We are in the midst of an incredible energy renaissance. But this energy growth requires new pipelines, the safest and most effective form of energy transportation, to keep products moving from well sites to consumers,” said GAIN Strategic Advisor James “Spider” Marks. “Furthermore, increased American energy production not only benefits consumers here at home, but also our partners and allies across the globe. In light of recent unrest in the Middle East, China’s coronavirus, and Russia’s routine recidivist adventurism, American energy exports can stabilize the global market while minimizing energy reliance on unpredictable regimes. Domestic policymakers must continue to welcome investment in our critical energy infrastructure network – from pipelines to export terminals along the Gulf Coast.”
Hosted by the Midland-Odessa Transportation Alliance, or MOTRAN, “Permian Basin Infrastructure & Innovation: Our Impact on Economics, National Security, and Global Affairs” recognized Texas’ role as the leading U.S. producer of both natural gas and crude oil, the importance of infrastructure investment and pipeline safety, and the economic and national security benefits that energy exports provide for the United States. The discussion also analyzed how the presidential election in November could impact domestic energy production and the industry as a whole.
For questions or further comments from panel participants, please contact Connor Greenwood at [email protected].
Grow America’s Infrastructure Now (GAIN) is a diverse coalition of businesses, trade associations, and labor groups that share a vested interest in creating jobs and strengthening our nation’s economy through infrastructure development. For more information on the GAIN Coalition, visit or follow the Coalition on Twitter @GAINNowAmerica.