Biden SOTU Spells Trouble for U.S. Energy
Tonight, President Joe Biden delivered his third State of the Union address before Congress.
Below is a statement that can be attributed to me, Craig Stevens, spokesman for the GAIN Coalition and former senior advisor to U.S. Energy Secretary Sam Bodman:
“President Biden’s State of the Union address made it clear that his administration’s energy policies continue to undermine American prosperity. Instead of embracing an all-of-the-above approach – one President Obama embraced – President Biden has advanced regulation after regulation to hamstring America’s energy industry. Exhibit A: President Biden’s recent ban on all permits for LNG export projects – a move inspired by TikTok activists – that will not only harm Gulf Coast workers but imperil our energy security.
Anyone hoping to hear a reasonable energy strategy from Biden tonight was sorely disappointed—but not surprised. Instead, chapter three of his administration prioritizes pandering to radical voters instead of implementing sound policies that secure Americans’ access to reliable and affordable energy.”