Congress Holds Hearing to Address Areas of Improvement in our Rail Transportation Infrastructure

Last week the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a hearing to address the challenges of creating 21st century infrastructure for the American people. The focus of this hearing was on our rail infrastructure, and the need for continued investment in updating this vital part of so many Americans’ daily lives. Our extensive array of…

Energy Policy Debate Must Remain Fact-based

Within the energy policy debate, it’s vital that we maintain a level of credibility and seriousness that promotes the smartest policies moving forward. In doing so we promote economic growth, American energy independence, and improve lives across the country. Recent columns have introduced frivolous terms and ideas into the debate, but we must maintain focus…

Regulatory Uncertainty Hurts American Businesses

If we’re to have any hope of improving America’s crumbling infrastructure – which was recently given a D+ grade by the American Society of Civil Engineers – then we need clear and predictable regulations for infrastructure construction. Nowhere is this more important than in our energy sector, where billions of dollars of private investments are…

Michigan Awards $23.2 Million For Water Infrastructure

Upgrading public infrastructure is a surefire way to quickly revitalize a community. Construction projects bring hundreds, if not thousands of jobs, and help to stimulate local hotel and restaurant industries as well. It’s important as we move forward with an in depth and comprehensive plan to repair and rebuild our infrastructure that we bear in…

Louisiana Airports Awarded Grant for Airport Infrastructure

Nearly three million dollars was recently granted in two grants to Acadiana airports in Louisiana, Congressman Clay Higgins announced recently. The grants, which came from the U.S. Department of Transportation, are set to help revamp the infrastructure of the airports. These are important pieces of infrastructure to local and state communities, and the grants will…

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