GAIN Coalition Supports Proposed Federal Legislation to Protect Pipelines
Earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) called on Congress to expand federal legislation to protect pipelines. Current law allows for fines and prison time for “damaging or destroying” pipelines currently in operation. Under the proposal, the law would be expanded to include “vandalism, tampering with, or impeding, disrupting or inhibiting the operation of” both existing pipelines or “those under construction.” The proposal follows a recent trend in statehouses around the country introducing, and in some cases passing, similar legislation to protect critical energy infrastructure.
Below is a statement that can be attributed to me, Craig Stevens, spokesman for the GAIN Coalition.
“The GAIN Coalition commends PHMSA for their recent proposal calling on Congress to strengthen legislation at the federal level to protect our nation’s critical energy infrastructure. While free speech and discourse surrounding pipelines are important, there is a formal process that welcomes public comment and concerns. We encourage those interested to participate in this process and have their voice heard.
Once pipelines are lawfully permitted – it is critical developers are guaranteed regulatory certainty so projects can move forward in a meaningful and predictable manner, and ultimately come into service. This proposed legislation will play a key role in protecting our nation’s pipeline network, as well as keeping workers, law enforcement, and community members safe.”